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Friday, January 20, 2017

Hello extreme

Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Murder by abortion, on wrong baby. Disabled baby Lived.

Italy Investigates Botched Abortion of Healthy Twin, Disabled Brother Lives

I have said it many times about abortion.
How many Downs Babies do you see anymore? How about Dwarves? Or Disabilities?

Abortion is nothing more then Population Control and Eugenics in a new skin.

Drs. have routinely, over the decades told woman to abort if they suspected there was a problem with the Baby.
Many a woman have refused only to discover their was NOTHING WRONG with their babies.
Many have refused instead to rely on GOD's strength to see them thru.

In any event this recent article about a wrong abortion should open some peoples eyes ( although I doubt it will) to the truth behind abortion.

Officials in Italy are investigating a botched abortion done on twin brothers where the healthy brother became the victim of the abortion and the twin, who has Down syndrome, lived. The disabled brother was the target of the abortion procedure and the case is raising the ugly specter of abortions done to kill disabled people.


After doctors realized their mistake, they notified the woman in question. She returned to the hospital to have the disabled baby aborted as well and then reported the doctors to the police.

The case has cause some in the political scene to call for a review of the nation's abortion laws.

"What happened in this hospital was not a medical abortion but an abortion done for the purposes of eugenics," said Senator Paola Binetti.
Christian Democrat politician Luca Volonte also denounced the failed abortion as "infanticide arising from a contempt for human life."

Back in March another Baby Died as a result of a botched abortion, but there was nothing wrong with him.

Doctors at the teaching hospital Careggi performed two ultrasounds on the boy and his mother and they said he had a defective esophagus. That's a disorder that surgery could have corrected after birth in some cases.

However, when they went to abort the baby boy, they discovered he was healthy and desperately tried to resuscitate him.

The boy was born health and lived for six days following the failed abortion, which was done at 22 weeks into the pregnancy.

It is for this reason I refused an AFP test ( which gave high #'s of false positives and negatives). I told the nurses I was not taking it and would take my chances. All the while they tried to convince me that It would be good somehow to know and then I could abort if it showed a problem....

My Child was born just fine thanx, and to all those who did not get it, it is Called... "RELYING ON MY FAITH IN GOD."


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Friday, June 29, 2007

From PVS to Recovery.

Jesse Ramirez, Considered a “Vegetable” Like Terri Shiavo, Now on His Way to Recovery

God will Keep amazing us with stories like this. Since Terri's death more and more people are "coming out" as they say from their locked in states. Coma Victims awaken and so called "PVS" patients are recovering.
Jesse's wife wanted him dead. Thankfully he had a family who had his back and fought for him.

Jesse Ramirez was written off by doctors as a hopeless “vegetable”, an Arizona man would not now be on his way to recovery from an accident caused by a marital quarrel if not for his family’s unrelenting struggle for his life.

The Arizona Republic reports that on Wednesday, Jesse Ramirez, awoke from his nearly month long persistent vegetative state (PVS) and now “can hug and kiss, nod his head, answer yes and no questions, give a thumbs-up sign and sit in a chair.”

If not for the past few weeks’ legal battles that ended Tuesday with a favorable settlement for him and his family, Jesse Ramirez, who depended on feeding tubes for food and water, would certainly have died in circumstances very similar to the tragic 2005 death of Terri Schindler-Schiavo.

Read this!

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Thursday, May 24, 2007

Oklahoma bans abortion in state hospitals

YES! Praise GOD one at a Time we will See the End to this Murderous Obsession.

Oklahoma Gov. Brad Henry allowed an anti-abortion bill to become law on Wednesday by taking no action on the legislation.

The passage of the measure makes Oklahoma the only state this year to pass legislation that would prohibit certain abortions in state-funded medical facilities, according to a research institute.

If a bill passes the Legislature, it becomes law after five days if the governor does not either sign or veto it during the legislative session. Wednesday marked the fifth day since Henry received the bill.


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Sunday, May 13, 2007

Abortion: The Hard Truth

My Friend Dani had posted this and sent me the link... It was Disturbing, to say the least.

But it is also REAL.

I will post it here.

The Apocalypse of Peter
(Traditional Version)

26 And hard by that place I saw another strait place wherein the discharge and the stench of them that were in torment ran down, and there was as it were a lake there. And there sat women up to their necks in that liquor, and over against them many children which were born out of due time sat crying: and from them went forth rays of fire and smote the women in the eyes: and these were they that conceived out of wedlock (?) and caused abortion.



Thursday, May 03, 2007

How Sad....Ministers Backing Abortion

Nineteen Maine United Church of Christ Congregational Ministers signed a letter supporting abortion, and public funding of abortion, according to Maine's Health and Human Services Committee this week. The letter, dated April 11, 2007, was submitted as written testimony in the public hearing of LD 1309, "An Act To Provide Equity in Funding for Women's Health Services." This bill would provide $283,272 per year in taxpayer dollars to publicly fund abortions in Maine.

Nowhere in the letter do the Congregational ministers identify themselves as Christian, or belonging to a Christian denomination, or to the Church of Christ. Instead, they use only the phrase "members of Maine's faith community" to describe themselves.

The letter supporting abortion, and the public funding of abortion is signed by Rev. Marvin M. Ellison, Bass Professor of Christian Ethics, Bangor Theological Seminary, Rev. William Bliss, Bath United Church in Christ, Rev. Diane Bennekamper, Cumberland United Church in Christ, Rev. June E. Boutwell, Transitional Associate Conference Minister, Maine United Church in Christ, Rev. Dr. Bruce P. Burnham, Alfred Parish Church United Church in Christ, Rev. Ernest A. Campbell, Durham First Congregational Church, Rev. Marcia A. Charles, New Sharon Congregational Church, Rev. Dr. Mark A. Doty, Hammond Street (Bangor) Congregational Church, Rev. Dr. Peggy Wolfe Dunn, Gardiner Congregational Church, Rev. David R. Gaewski, Minister of the Maine Conference of the United Church of Christ, Rev. Jeffrey M. Gallagher, First Congregational Church of Kittery at Kittery Point,Rev. David Hall (Retired), Rev. Dr. John B. McCall, Senior Minister, First Congregational Church of South Portland, Rev. Elsa A. Peters, Associate Minister, First Congregational Church of South Portland, Rev. Anne Roundy, Rangeley Congregational Church, Rev. Nancy S. Salisbury, Interim Pastor, First Congregational Church of Gray, Rev. Joanne E. Stoughton, Buxton First Congregational Church, Rev. Susan Tierney, East Windham Community Church, and Rev. John J. Ward-Diorio, Freeport First Parish Congregational Church.

Far from being outside of the Congregational Church's orthodoxy, these ministers are supported by the national United Church of Christ denomination in a recent pro-abortion press release. The Rev. Loey Powell, co-team leader in the U.C.C.’s Justice and Witness Ministries and board chair of Religious Coalition for Reproductive Choice, said in the press release dated April 19, 2007, "The U.C.C. General Synod, along with other settings of the church, has supported reproductive rights for more than 35 years, believing that women have the right to determine when and how many children they should have. The U.C.C. General Synod also has supported access to safe and legal abortion in order to prevent the unnecessary deaths of women, or permanent damage to them, when illegal procedures are sought."



Tuesday, April 17, 2007

More young doctors oppose abortions on ethical grounds

Yes, Virginia there is a GOD!

The NHS abortion service is heading for a crisis because increasing numbers of doctors refuse to carry out terminations, it was claimed.

There has been a big rise in young medics with 'conscientious objections' to abortion.

The increase has been revealed by the Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists.

It says there is evidence of a 'slow but growing problem' of young doctors opting out of abortion training on moral grounds.

Meanwhile back in the States, Guilianni, the former Mayor of NYC and Adulterer who is seeking the Presidency next election, has come out and said not only should "TAXPAYER" funding for abortion is a RIGHT and should continue but that ProLifers should "GET OVER THE ISSUE OF ABORTION!"
Don't Forget, in the last week or so he also tried to tie Iran to 911 as well!


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